<aside> ⛈️ LUCIUS has an integrated weather solution that helps you determine the next 7 day cloud cover over the areas you’re currently tasking or about to task.

Available only with PLUS & ENTERPRISE subscriptions



  1. Navigate to a project you’ve already created
  2. Click on the weather button in the project headbar - your Areas of Interest will be split into sections and color coded:
    1. Green means the area will have over 3 days in the next 7 days with an average cloud cover between 10am and 2pm local time under 15%
    2. Yellow means the area will have over 2 days in the next 7 days with an average cloud cover between 10am and 2pm local time under 15%
    3. Red means the area will have 1 or no days in the next 7 days with an average cloud cover between 10am and 2pm local time under 15%
  3. Clicking on a color coded segment will open up a modal at the bottom of the map showing the specific upcoming weather the next 7 days.


  1. Open a project

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 10.03.02 AM.png

  1. Click on the weather button on the top right

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 10.03.12 AM.png

  1. Your AOIs will be color coded based on upcoming cloud cover